Power your business with our advanced barcode technology

JDX.nu is your trusted supplier for barcode engines, scanners, data terminals, and software solutions. We deliver technologies and tools of the best manufacturers.

JDX.nu product line up

We are committed to delivering the optimal AIDC solutions

Shipped straight from your neighborhood

We are based centrally in Europe, in The Netherlands. In our large warehouse in Cuijk, we ship stocked goods daily; prepare deliveries, and take care of service and staging.

Always the latest innovations from Urovo and Mindeo

As your trusted European distributor for Urovo and Mindeo products, JDX.nu is your source for nothing but the best imagers, data terminals and kiosk scanners.

JDX products Urovo

Our value-added services will surprise you

Whether it is project support, demo units, or sales consulting: JDX.nu’s teams of sales and technical experts are here to ensure your success.

For every application, for every rough situation: Discover our rugged portfolio of Auto-ID products


laser scanner

Laser Scanners

image scanners

Image Scanners

image platform

Image Platform

kiosk scanner

Kiosk Scanner

scan engines


data terminal

Data Terminal

software tools

Software Tools

JDX.nu is your supplier for all of your rugged needs.

Contact us today – we will find the right solutions for you. Get in touch

Our latest products